Thai Credit Bank Retail Bank Public Company Limited, Thai Life Insurance Group Conducting business that provides financial services for more than 3 decades under the name of Thai Housing Credit Foncier Company Limited. And was authorized to establish and operate on 18 January 2007
Thai Credit Retail Bank Public Company Limited focuses on the importance of retail customers. Which is considered an important foundation of the country Especially loan products such as nano and micro credit loans for retail businesses Micro SME loans Currently, the bank has the largest share in the nano-finance and microfinance market. And has a rapid growth rate of the organization Until receiving the fastest growing retail banking award in Thailand 2017 and 2018 from Global Banking & Finance Review magazine in England
At present, Thai Credit Retail Bank Public Company Limited has a full branch of financial services. Both in Bangkok and surrounding provinces And also expanding the service to the region in the form of retail loans To allow retail customers to access services and credit products conveniently throughout the regionThai Credit Bank Retail Bank (TCRB)